Help Lift Others

Through words of affirmation, genuine compliments, and smiles.


Welcome!! I feel like we can all use a lift in our day, which is why I started this site. I'm Heather, my love language is words of affirmation, and I have always felt that compliments can go a long way towards making someone feel good, if they're given genuinely and with a smile.

Today is National Compliment Day (1/24), and while I sometimes roll my eyes at the multitude of National 'Something' Days we have, I really like this one, and thought it would be the perfect day to kick off The Lift Others Challenge. Choose a start day (psst - today is great!) and decide whether it's a 3-, 5-, or 7-day challenge you want to take on, and for each day, give one person a genuine compliment about themselves, their work, their passion, their ideas, something they made or own or a challenge they met - you name it - and make sure you smile! James Cleary, author of Atomic Habits, a favorite book of mine, advocates starting small with changes, so even if it's just for three days, you've just lifted three people up! What an awesome thing to do!

I am out at a conference in Vegas for work this week, and the lift I gave today was to compliment one of our clients on their booth set up in the exhibit hall. As compliments go, maybe it wasn't the biggest or most personal one I could have given, but I am starting somewhere. I'm excited to see who I get to give one to tomorrow!

Feel free to share your experience in lifting others up with your challenge insights. How did it make you feel to give someone a genuine compliment with a smile? It always makes me feel good. And hey - if you're not ready to start talking to strangers just yet - start with yourself! What are you proud of you for today? Sometimes that lift can be from inside - and for sure we all need that some days more than others.

Tell you what - I'll give you a compliment today, too! You're a wonderful person. (Nope - it's true, no matter what your mind may be telling you.) You have value and I appreciate you! Great job on showing up today! Can't wait to hear how it went for you - talk soon :)